Thursday, December 21, 2023

Reading more deeply

In a somewhat duplicitous move, I've turned off receiving the paper Journal while Rob is in town, out of respect for his deeply honed and entirely heartfelt environmentalism. Rob prefers e-books to physical books for environmental reasons, for instance.

Since I still don't want to turn on my computer first thing in the morning, I find myself reading more of the Economist with breakfast and coffee and therefore just reading more of it. This is probably an information consumption regime I should seriously consider.

But there is the problem of Monica, who delivers my newspaper each morning (though I never see her, not even at the recent show at the Cradle raising money for research for a cure for Glioblastoma, which took her sister Sarah from us all too early). I addition to Sarah, Monica also lost her brother Joe a couple of years ago and her mother passed this summer. Meanwhile her brother Dexter, to judge from his recent performance at the Cradle, is not conquering his own demons quickly.

We'll see what happens with the physical paper in 2024.    

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