Saturday, January 08, 2022

Saturday Omelet

Woke up early this morning and decided to roll with it, particularly because I have to put Natalie on an airplane tomorrow morning at 6 so will have to be up extra early. Also, I was excited to make toast with this excellent bread from La Farm to accompany my omelet.

I have mentioned my omelet in passing before, but have never delved into the subject. Every Saturday morning for who knows how long I've had a cheese omelet, sometimes with onion or some kind of pepper (pickled jalapenos or Hatch chiles, for instance). After we went to Glacier National Park a few years back I settled on the coffee mug I bought there as the mug I drink from on Saturdays and only on Saturdays, to add to the ritual of it. Also I put some green hot sauce on it, the Picamas stuff I get at the Tienda Guadalupena off of Elliot.

Mary mocks me and says she doesn't understand how I can eat the same thing every week, but what she doesn't get is that I eat in only on Saturdays, so it's a total treat, a highlight of my week. Then I go to an AA or Al Anon meeting. It's time for that now, so I bid you adieu and happy Shabbos.

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