Friday, January 08, 2021


Had a shitty night of sleep last night, between all that has been going on in the world, here and there, big and small. I won't belabor it, but I will say that the rats fleeing the sinking ship of Trumpism with high-minded rhetoric about how terrible the scenes in the Capitol were is pretty funny. What happened in DC on Tuesday was by no means a new development. It was entirely consistent with a regime that has been happy to do whatever the fuck it wants to for four years. Use flash grenades to dispel a crowd of protesters for a photo op at a church where you're not even welcome? No problem. Separate small children from their parents at the border and lose track of the parents? You bet. Attempt to strong arm a foreign head of state to help your political campaign, and then have the support of your congressional caucus for so doing? Sure. Appoint to lifetime judgeships ideologues who have barely ever spent time in court? Makes sense to me. Use unmarked troops a la Donbass to do crowd control and protect the Lincoln Memorial? Great plan.

It's all just absurd, and it is rather late in the game for members of the Republican Senate caucus to be miraculously growing backbones. Ben Sasse is particularly disappointing. He wrote an intelligent op-ed in the Journal this week. He's a smart, thoughtful guy. But he voted with Trump all the time. He can't blame his spinelessness on Mark Zuckerberg. None of us can. 

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