Thursday, April 14, 2016

The monumental egocentricity of me at 50

I will confess that I want the world to revolve around me today.  It is my 50th birthday, and I would very much like the traffic to part, the trees to bend down, and water to flow uphill. Even still, it was a little odd to launch a new screen in my browser and find that Google was wishing me happy birthday. Sergei and Larry are so sweet, so thoughtful.

In general, however, it is not happening. Though my work is buying me lunch, and my boss sent me home early, and a bunch of people have texted congratulations, and we are going out to dinner tonight, it is still very much a day like any other, albeit a lovely one,

My desire for world domination differs in degree if not in kind from my job in general, in which I endeavor to bend the world to my will by convincing people to entrust their financial wherewithal to me and my firm. Which is by no means easy. It is a world of continual attention begging, like the Hispanic kids in the subway crying to their mother:  "Mama, mira mira." (I don't know why this phrase and behavior stands out to me more for Hispanic kids than Anglo ones. I know my kids never begged for attention...).

At any rate, as always, let me just reiterate how much I appreciate the continued readership of all of you, even as I am able to dedicate ever-varying levels of attention to the craft of writing here. I would say that I do it for you, as in the immortal words of the dying nanny in The Omen ("It's all for you, Damien"), but of course I do it for me, because I appreciate your attention, which is, in this world of limitless communication channels, media, distractions, and demands on people's time, that most precious of commodities. Purest gold.


Anonymous said...

You're at 50 and that's reason to beam
You've certainly earned a slathering of crème
Remember your member he's 50 too
Better make sure he has something to do
Be enhanced and enjoy the show
Prove to her that you can grow and grow
It's hard not to feel proud so you should roar
Make sure to lock your bedroom door

Cleric Mikhailovich de Troi said...

Fine form!

Sr. Siegling said...

I wished you a Happy Birthday on FB. I read this and wanted to share something with you for your birthday. A musical offering:

Sr. Siegling said...

I wished you a Happy Birthday on FB. I read this and wanted to share something with you for your birthday. A musical offering: