Monday, August 20, 2007


I'm feeling a bit grave after learning of an uncle's impending demise from multiple myeloma. This after hearing of a peer's recent demise from some other equally nasty cancer.

I suppose I might really take this as a message that I should chill the fuck out, stop being so serious about everything. Indeed I might.

Had been thinking about reading Samuel Pepys, the original graphomaniac diarist fool from back in the 17th century day, as a model for the daily blogathon. Then I took a look at volume 1 of a neighbor's 6 tome set, and I saw that Pepys wasn't very reflective at all, though he was observant, they say. Just flat out boring, is all. Which is not what the Grouse means to be, nossir.

Not that I have anything particularly scintillating going on here at "Tales from the Desk," rack my head as I might.

I will say that I was a little shocked to see Stephen Colbert bring on some poor guy who had been behind bars for 26 years but was exonerated by DNA. Colbert takes a very generous step like letting the guy have some large airtime and then stays in his psychotic pseudo conservative character and hardly lets the guy talk. He's gotta make up his mind which side he's on. As if we didn't know. He's on the side of Stephen Colbert.

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