Saturday, August 24, 2024

Sweet and Savory

Making our way from Portland over to Worcester, Vermont yesterday, we passed through Standish, Maine a little after noon. Just as we were bending to the right a low-slung white building caught our eye. The sign out front said "Sweet and Savory Bakery." I looked at Mary and said, "Should we check it out?" She nodded assent.

Inside a girl of maybe 10 or 11 was minding the register. Behind the display cases mom and dad were hard at work, as were two even smaller sisters. We surveyed their bill of fare and ordered up some sandwiches, a piece of foccacia with huge chunks of garlic falling off it for post-hike snacking, and a bag of bagels. I told her I was going to get a seltzer and was pondering the flavors: "Grapefruit is my favorite," she told me.

Our young hostess checked with her mom to see how long the sandwiches would take (15 minutes) and asked my name. I told her my name, then she asked "How do you spell that?" I paid and then we mosied off down the hall of this odd building to wait. A number of flyers told us that a musical production ("Shrek, the Musical"?) was coming up soon, maybe in a performance space down the hall. I went to the bathroom, then sat at a table and caught up with my phone. 

We were the only people in there. I was sitting maybe 30 feet down the hallway. When our sandwiches were ready, our cashier yelled at the top of her lungs: "Clark, your order is ready!" 

Off we went.

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