Monday, August 26, 2024

Rising mists

Now we are north of Montpelier, VT, in Worcester in an AirBnb which is cute as a button if a little old school in terms of amenities. Every morning there is mist, so that our view down from our deck changes from this

To this
To this
Over a couple of hours. Actually that last transformation heppened in the five minutes or so when I lowered my head to read my novel. It was pretty dramatic.

What with the lake in our backyard and all you would think I would be used to this kind of thing. Similar stuff happens on the surface of the lake early in the morning at certain times of year. Nonetheless, I am reduced to a state of slack-jawed fanboydom by this gradual mist dissipation. Also, when we sit out on the deck and listen to the birds and insects, not necessarily in that order, we hear a little creek off in the woods to the left. 

Yesterday we hiked up Mount Elmore and then I swam in the lake at the bottom. I have now achieved my summer trifecta of lobster roll -- plate of fried clams -- swim in mountain water. And then I went and got coffee, a fresh-baked cookie and a baseball cap with a moose on it!

Mary is also happy enough that we have extended our stay here in VT by one night and trimmed our time in Boston to just the night before we fly out. We our getting our Jeffersonian groove on.

1 comment:

Easy Rawlins said...

Nothing smart to say... just want to say that this is beautiful, gorgeous, peaceful....