Friday, September 29, 2023

New groove, old groove

I'm in the middle of a two-day conference on tax planning, not always the most scintillating of topics. In fact, even during these two days, it's not the most scintillating of topics. Much of the focus of the conference is in fact on productivity and growing your business. Towards the end of the day, someone asked for recommendations for books from four panelists and all the books the panelists brought up were business/entrepreneurship books.

Which is interesting. On the one hand, that's probably exactly the kind of books the guy who asked the question was looking for. On the other, it's pretty narrow.

In any case, I jotted the books down and may read or listen to some or even all of them because the entrepreneurship/productivity hack culture is not all bad. More importantly, it takes me back to the early days of my practice when I was reading and listening to more of that stuff and I think it was a very fruitful period. I learned a lot, some of which I have forgotten in the intervening years. In general, it was a period of good energy during which I opened myself up to growth from unexpected sources.

One of the books mentioned was The 5am Club which, I'm sure, argues for getting up really early because it's a moment in the day of low interruption, high energy and high productivity. In principle I'm on board with all that, I just fuck around too much on YouTube at night. This morning I woke up at 6 and, instead of fighting it, rolled with it. Instead of slavishly following the morning routines I've established in recent years, here I am blogging before breakfast. But now I'm hungry.

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