Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Embracing the grind

Woke up dog tired this morning. A good part of it is physical recovery from the narrow 7-6 (7-5) loss to Z yesterday evening after being up earlier in the set. No reason to get down on myself about it. A lot of shots fell my way early in the match, then they didn't. And Z just stood up and made very few mistakes.

But it's not all about tennis and the physical. It's the constant swirl of all the things I'm involved with, I won't bother to regale you with them. Many of them my readers are familiar with much of what I am up to (though one new thing is the October 6 Zoom fundraiser I'm putting together for Josh. The cast of supporting players is still coming together but it should be awesome).

When I am really tired there are moments when I am apt, as are many, to bemoan my fate, but really I need to just continually embrace it and realize how fortunate I am to have engaging and impactful work, and to be able to conjure up more of it and extend my reach. I am getting much better at delegating stuff that I really shouldn't be doing.

Admittedly, I need to keep improving at saying no to things and prioritizing. 

Trying to get here

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