Saturday, August 08, 2020

Chez nous

 I have now replaced my mountain front porch with my home back porch, location of many of my non-adventures over the last few months. I wish I could say that I was excited for this to be the case, but I am not. It was lovely to get away and spend enhanced extra-special quality time with the family.

Honestly I look with if not foreboding then a distinct lack of excitement about Natalie leaving, although it's the right thing and it has been a pleasure to see her get psyched to be back up there with her friends and continuing the great adventure. But at the bottom of it all, I will be sad to see her go.

And what will become of the cats! Especially Leon, who has basically spent the last 5 months camped out in her room, on her bed, perched like a little hen. He will have to come out and reacquaint himself with the rest of the family, which is hard for him, as the biggest fraidy cat on the planet. 

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