Monday, April 08, 2019

On the road again, narrow wheels edition

Yesterday morning I had to drop Graham off for robotics competition, and I saw a guy I know from out in RTP whose kid is on the team. I stopped and talked to him, and he told me he was riding 65 miles that day, ramping up to a 100-mile charity ride. His wife, he told me, wouldn't let him get a motorcycle.

Later in the afternoon, after hustling with Mary down to Buies Creek to catch the tail end of the robotics (we were a little late), I decided to go out riding myself. It was either that or go running, and I was sore from a longish run on Saturday. Plus I have been nagged a little in the back of my mind by the thought of my bicycle rusting and languishing in the basement. When I bought the bike back in 2007 or so it was, after all, the most expensive thing I had ever bought for myself -- as opposed to a house or a car. It has since been passed in that category by the little laptop I am typing on, but not by much.

In any case, I went out for a bike ride, with the intention of just "reminding the biking muscles that they exist." In the end I went all the way out to Calvander and then looped back home through downtown Carrboro and Chapel Hill, just because I like to. By the end I had done more than remind the muscles they were there. I was sore and a little bit concerned that I might get some cramping.

But I didn't. I made it home and rehydrated and ate a bunch of food. It was all good. I do think that the sitting meditation and the mindfulness re stretching it is encouraging is helping me all around.

And my bike did fine. No blowouts, brakes were good. I gotta keep mixing the biking in to my exercise portfolio.

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