Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sweet relief

I was supposed to meet with a pretty good-sized prospect today, back for a second meeting to discuss a proposed portfolio/approach, but their dog had gotten cancer and needed to go to the vet. Seriously. I could have been better prepared, having gotten caught up at a client's house for longer than anticipated yesterday, so I was behind in prepping. So I was pleased to be relieved of this task, to put it off for another day.

Then, while I was at martial arts with Graham, I got a text from his executive function coach, asking if we could move his session tomorrow back from 10 am to 2 pm. Oh yes we can! So I can chill and enjoy my Sunday pancakes a little better, instead of feeling pressed for time to hustle over to Carrboro.

It is excellent and most welcome to have a second weekend in a row in which there is little I really need to do. Sure, I could be trying to get out ahead on taxes, and yes I could be carting stuff off to the Goodwill Store. But I'm not. Instead, I chilled on the couch and read the pretty decent mystery novel I've been working through. Now I will do a little more serious reading (Buffett's 2014 shareholder letter) before heading out for a run, because I'm not but so slack.

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