Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Highlight of the week

It was a day off from school (if not from the CFP curriculum), and in the afternoon I played frisbee with the kids on Monday.  Both of them.  I play pretty often with Graham, and as Natalie is between field hockey and ultimate season, I was able to coax her out to prep for the latter.

Graham was a little excited to have his sister out playing for him, so he started demonstrating some of his silly throws, like when he throws overhand and then does a backwards roll. And Natalie started laughing.  Really laughing.  Laughing in a way that it was really clear that she is fond of her little brother, actually loves him.

Now, as those of you who have more than one kid know, or who have siblings, kids aren't always that demonstrative towards one another.  And Natalie, who, prior to Graham's arrival on the scene a decade ago, had been the first grandchild on Mary's side of the family, the little golden-curled sweetheart and center of attention, was dislodged from her position at the center of a pretty large universe at Graham's birth.  And then he had some special needs, which made him an attention vortex at times.  So she has in particular not always been so lovey-dovey with Graham.

So Monday was particularly nice.

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