Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone piece on GS

I tried to read Taibbi's article, but found it too sophisticated. I'm waiting till he dumbs it down to the level of People.

No but seriously. I like squid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


There's a huge perception gap between the public understanding of Wall Street and the industry's own narcissistic self-image. It doesn't matter whether Taibbi didn't precisely articulate the definition of a CDO or over reached his thesis about the great Wall Street conspiracy. The fact is that GS has established a standard of excellence in a very sick industry that flatlined last September. Leadership in the industry is faulty at best. And we all bought into it.

Here's a terrific example of this vicious feedback loop at work, also by Taibbi (well in advance of the GS article): http://tinyurl.com/kn73ep

Best regards,
