Wednesday, November 10, 2004

History receding

Big topics just not popping into head. Has the election just left a vacuum, the sort of "post-historical" space like what held forth between Fukuyama and 9/11? I mean, Ashcroft left, you gotta like that. Moron. If I were Powell I'd get the hell out of there myself and try to get on Jon Stewart and mend my image a little. But really we're sort of in a void now, a space where it doesn't really seem like getting worked up about anything. Fat lot of good it did us during the campaign.

Nor do I have anything funny to add.

My house is cold as well. If anybody out there is thinking of buying and you hear tell of "masonry frame walls," look out, that means no insulation and therefore c-o-l-d. And we're too damned cheap to crank up the heat.

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