Thursday, July 18, 2024

The truly prolific and the one-sentence paragraph

There's a guy I know from the coworking space who has now posted for like 1400 days straight on LinkedIn and is, according to him, killing it leading "social selling" seminars Monday nights on LinkedIn. I am, I must confess, intrigued. Many deride it but LinkedIn has evolved into an extremely useful platform over the years. A good way to keep in track of people, relatively tightly focused on business for the most part which keeps it largely free of the partisan rancor that infects other networks. 

But then again I find the writings a little annoying. All too many people have gone over to this style of writing exclusively in one-sentence paragraphs. If the Lord had intended paragraphs to include only one sentence, why would he have made it so easy to have more? And why would the convention stating that the one sentence paragraph should be used only sparingly have evolved. Overuse of the one sentence paragraph is an asinine thing.

So I should probably resist. Especially as it may well conflict with tennis.

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