Monday, March 16, 2020

The most basic gratitude

As the whole USA freaks out about food and crushes the grocery stores, I confess to feeling a touch food insecure as I survey our pantry. We are not big preppers. Over the past few weeks we have stocked our larder pretty well, and are surely provisioned for a couple of weeks or so, but not much more than that.

So I look anxiously to the future and put my trust in the supply chain. Yesterday evening Senator Floyd McKissick of Durham made an appeal to everyone to stop hoarding, and I had to acknowledge it was a very good and noble thought. Then today President Trump tweeted the same appeal and I thought -- man things really are moving quickly if a sentiment goes from Floyd's lips to Trump's that quickly.

I am being mindful each time I eat now, newly appreciative of each meal and snack, each in turn infused with a special quality of scarcity. I don't know exactly what I'll be eating in 2, 3, 4 weeks. It will likely be different from what we are eating now, perhaps less grand, likely we will be accepting what's in the store and happy for it.

Certainly I take for my inspiration the experience of Weijian Shan's Out of the Gobi (my kids wish I would shut the fuck up about that book, that's for sure). The amount of arduous physical labor he describes doing on the most monotonous and calorie-constrained diet boggled the imagination. Somehow he got through it and flourished.


Anonymous said...

Now is the time to stock up on enhancement cream. The internet says it has antiviral properties.

Anonymous said...

Enhance gratitude and SIZE, the cream will prevail anti corona.