Friday, January 24, 2020


And so, I have accepted the role of Vice Chair of my "HOA" (not really an HOA because it existed before the legal form of HOA did) after I was asked to be Chair. This marks an improvement over prior years, when I was "Acting Secretary", which meant that I took notes at meetings but didn't accept the formal designation of "Secretary" because I didn't want it, but also that I could be cc'd and included in all important decisions regarding the organization because it just makes sense for me to be on them.

Being Chair would have been too much. I need to be able to focus on my day job, shepherding Graham through high school, and politics. I just don't have the bandwidth to get sucked too deep into the neighborhood stuff. I already spend tons of time on it, maybe 100-120 hours a year. It is, indeed, a very interesting problem, maintaining a lake in the middle of an ever denser urbanizing area.

But in the end, it's a pretty small canvas.

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