Monday, October 14, 2019

Guy blowing leaves in street

As I was pulling out of my neighborhood this morning there was a guy with big headphones on and a powerful blower, out blowing leaves and pine needles from the street in front of his house. From the street, mind you, not from his yard. I don't know where he thought he was going to blow them to. There weren't many of them to start with, because he doesn't have that many trees in his yard.

His blower, of course, was a two-stroke. I must say, I was kind of appalled. I mean, WTAF. The biomass needs to go somewhere, and the last thing we need is some underemployed yard Rambo out there cleaning the streets with a fine-toothed comb.

I am the first to admit that he is engaged in an order-imposing behavior akin to my own driveway sweeping and roof-cleaning, so recently documented. But I don't use a super loud, high emissions blower, and I use my electric one very sparingly, out of consideration for my neighbors eardrums.

I did not, however, accost him, much though I would have liked to.

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