Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day

Somehow, it is almost noon.  I promise I haven't been just messing around all morning. I have been reading, sent some important emails, renewing books, put in laundry...

And yet, somehow it is almost noon and it feels as if I am way behind in the list of things I should be getting done for Mother's Day, primarily things related to home improvement. Things I hate thinking about but generally feel good about having done once I have done them, however half-assedly.

They include:

  1. Get ashes out of fireplace
  2. Caulk around back of kitchen sink
  3. Assemble coffee table for porch
  4. Take Subaru to car wash, clean it up, take pix and post to Craigslist so I can get some $ out of this thing before I fall entirely in love with it
  5. Sweep pollen off of back porch (the ultimate Sisyphian chore)
  6. Make sure I have all I need to cook dinner
  7. Fix faucet in Graham's bathroom (before Mary's mom and Rob come for Natalie's graduation

  8. Go for long swim in lake
  9. Try to talk Graham into getting a haircut.  If so, get it done (mine too)
That's a lot of stuff. Better hop to it.

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