Friday, October 01, 2010

Obama's Failure

I was at a party yesterday talking to a couple of older Chapel Hill women wearing batik and other old school fabrics, and talk turned to politics.  To rile them up, I said outright that "Obama has failed."  It worked, and they pointed out that Obama had pushed through major legislation, including health care, stimulus, and financial reform, despite the fact that the Republicans were being the party of no really effectively.

This is all true, and these would be momentous accomplishments indeed for any legislator.  But Obama is not one anymore, he is an executive.  His job is not to get laws passed, but to manage the country to a better place, to execute and get things done.  The government cannot itself create enough jobs. He needs to bring his stakeholders along to where he wants them to go, and he has not done that.  He has been outfoxed by Karl Rove, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and a bunch of other jackass freaks.  The business world has put on a very effective capital strike, holding lots of cash on their balance sheets and not hiring people because they are so scared. 

Obama hasn't convinced enough Americans that he's doing the right thing.  We may hope that the health care reform will end up being transformative enough to justify the tremendous sacrifice that has been made for it.


Anonymous said...

Obama is fine. The Pelosi/Reid Congress is a real disaster, having wreaked havoc upon generations to come since 2007. Hopefully, in the future, some nice Chinese, Indian or Brazilian company will be kind enough to employ my children and grandchildren, whose standard of living will have plummeted to 3rd world levels, thus completing the cycle started by the free-trade idiots who believe the frigging Communist Chinese and protectionist policies of Brazil and southeast Asia are magically going to disappear when we all play nice at the WTO.

Cleric Mikhailovich de Troi said...

Don't get me wrong, I still like Obama as a person. I hope he figures something out in the 2nd half of his term, or even turns out to be the next Grover Cleveland.

He should bring Paul O'Neill into the administration. Maybe at Commerce rather than at Treasury.

eschwab said...

Well said, MCT. I agree - and like that way you framed it without much in the way of affect - just the results. Wish it were otherwise.