Thursday, June 22, 2006

About a boss

Had lunch with a guy the other day and two other guys who worked for him. One of them was black.

And bossman's asking me where I stayed the weekend before and I'm like "the Marriott" and he's like "was there a black wedding there? Every time I stay there there's a black wedding there." And I'm thinking, hmmm, this is a game that this Larry Bird-poster-on-the-wall motherfucker he must play all the time with his black employee all the time, and I should say something even more outrageous like "why do they even let those people get married at all," but I don't.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alternatively, you could have lept up on the table and done your best Billy Idol impersonation. "It (was) a nice day for a whiiiiiiiiiiiite wedding!!!!"